Kids: 4
Businesses: 4
Checked off my list: Chicago Marathon
August 70.3 Half Ironman
3 Natural Bodybuilding Shows
NASM Master Trainer
Corrective Exercise Specialist
Behavior Specialist
Nutritional Therapist
Nutrition Response Practitioner
USA Triathlon Coach
After having 4 children by the time I was 25, I knew I needed some consistent fitness in my life. So I started working out and fell in love with the gym! I got my first certification in 2007 and haven't looked back! Along the way, I've learned that it's so much more than working out. I specialize in working with middle-aged adults who have some kinks and quirks and think they want more for their health than what they currently have. As a specialist in fitness and nutrition, I design comprehensive plans that help people reach their goals.
It wasn't enough to start exercising so that I "didn't turn out like my Mom or my Grandma", who both struggled their whole adults lives with their weight. I had to do more- be more. Setting a HAG (hairy audacious goal) has always showed me what I am capable of. In fact, it's about time to set another one...
My heart is for those feeling hopeless, hurting, and ready for change. I've got a good blend of compassion and authority to help you get some wins and move forward!